Thursday, October 5, 2017

Hey all.
Good morning.
It feels like just yesterday since my last post.
I don't even know if anyone still read my posts.

But then again, does it matter?
These days being in this era,sometimes its best just talking to yourself,ya?


Let's all be true to ourselves.
How many times have we talked to our "friends" knowing that they;re just superficially concerned?
And how many times have we pretended to give a damn about the things that they tell us?
Probably always.

Where has sincerity gone?
Why can't people communicate with their heart instead?

To the people whom I've been mean to sometimes,
I am sorry.
I'm sorry that I constantly get angry or annoyed.
I'm not gonna justify my actions, but I'd like to broaden your view into my world so that maybe,maybe you'd somehow understand why I said or did certain things.

Recently I came across someone whom I'd hoped will be a good friend.
For some reason, I yearn to be closer.
I wanted to be strong.
I wanted to be a better person.

Yet, I was too afraid.
Too afraid that this "friendship" that I'm looking forward to, will just end up like the others.
So I went full emotional-defense-mechanism mode.
What's a better way to not get too emotionally-attached?
Is it just me or does it hurt even more when you pretend not to care?

And the reason is, I get hurt easily because I care far too much.

Loving them dearly does not guarantee that they too,will do the same.

I'm sorry.

I hope that no one in this life will ever go through the pain of insincerity.
Goodbye,for now.

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