Friday, December 17, 2010

Its midnight already!
Wanted to blog earlier but was too busy doing something else.
Now the post became tomorrow's post( which is today)
Had a miserable morning because aunt couldn't stop blabbing.
It feels like forever to wait for my bro to send me to KL central.
They like to waste time.
I got to KL central and God knows what happened because I didn't know where I was.
Was on the phone with Gaya and I attacked her when I saw her.
*I mean bear-hug*
We headed to Times Square.
Got there and went to buy tickets for Tron.
Gaya has been wanting to go to the GSC i-maxx or smth.
It was cool.
The hall is freaking huge and it has got two projectors.
There are 555 seats in the hall.
The guy who sat behind me behaves like a worm.
Kept kicking my seat. 
After movie we went to Low Yat Plaza.
Nothing interesting plus those things are what I can see but cannot touch.
From Low Yat we moved on to Sungai Wang Plaza.
Nothing much too because they're closing already.
Saw one red statue-man and a golden one at the other end.
I suggested something to Gaya but she was not sporting enough.
-evil laugh-
Planned another outing next week.
Hopefully it will be a memorable one.
*smiling through the pain*
You guys take care kay?
Sleep well.


  1. wei!! babi! I miss u la!! Dx here has been not really awesome without u.. I cant exactly laugh like shit ya know! =(

  2. I know right!!
    life is freaking miserable here...
    not even one hot guy to look at...
    missed those times we were in ferringhi...

  3. haiyooo.. Dx serious someone should kidnap u come lai penang..! XD

  4. Hahahhaah...
    that one is your job lah...
    If they kidnap me will sell me to india or china or some place like that...
    oh yeahh
    comin back in 8 days' time
