Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Fourth day in KL.
Still surviving.
Notice that my aunt likes boys in our family more than girls.
My bro has been having fever since we got here and aunt takes care of him like he's a lil treasure.
She even served him food in his room.
The last time I had fever all she did was to yell at me and kept saying how careless I was in taking care of myself.
Have to accept the fact.
The only faithful friend that I have over here is Kyu,my cousin's dog.
She has two dogs and two cats.
I'm not a fan of cats and I don't play with Lion(the older dog)
because he seems to be depressed all the time.
Will be in more detail the next time I blogged about them.
So I went to USJ with Esther this afternoon.
I was telling her how terrified I am towards insects.eg: grasshoppers.
After that we got home and walked the dogs.
 My cousin saw water in those foams and poured them out to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes.
Almost opposite of SMK SS17

Good Citizen Award Year 2010 goes to Esther Tang.

Nilai: Menyayangi dan menghargai alam sekitar.

She got bitten by mosquitoes.

In front of First Baptist Church

No more pictures after that because while Kyu was peeing my cousin was like, "Mel,grasshopper"
I turn my head,looked at it,and ran to the other side of the road.
She laughed at the funny sight.
My brain becomes retarded when I see bugs.
Our outing venue changed for this Thursday.
I was disappointed, but maybe its just not fated.
Told you Gaya's reluctant.
Going Times Square or something instead.
Let it rest in God's hands.
Below are some other random pictures.

Esther and Kyu.
This picture was taken at 2.04am on 13th December 2010.

This was taken when we were watching " One Liter of Tears"

Yeah, I managed to  influence my cousin to watch that drama.
We said that we won't cry and challenged each other.
I lost yesterday(aka this morning) and burst out crying at the part where Haruto ran to the zoo for Aya in the rain.
Too bad this only happens in movies and dramas.
The song Konayuki played a huge role in making me cry.
Haruto+Konayuki = Banjir di Subang Jaya.
We only watch dramas together from about 12am-4am everyday because my cousin comes back at 11+ from work.
It gets funny when  she gets drunk.
Start talking nonsense and stuff.
I'm gonna go soon.
Wanna see who cries tonight.
You guys take care okay?

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