Sunday, December 12, 2010

It feels like exams just finished yesterday.
Time is priceless.
Here I am in KL for two days already.
I came with a hope that life would be a lil better.
The change has not started.
I hope that things will get better.
I somehow know that it will.
The sun shines after the rain.
Its really funny.
Bro gave me a KL map earlier.
He was afraid that I might get lost when I go somewhere.
I'm not really allowed to go out without any family members.
Well except the outing on the 16th.
Been planning since I was in Penang.
Was really excited about it.
But usually plan changes at the last minute.
I am a lil worried because Gaya seemed reluctant to go where I want to.
And May keep encouraging me although she knows that I only hold on to a silent hope.
Sometimes I just keep things silent because I know that there is nothing that I could do about it.
But I will put a smiling face on.
There are many other people who are more miserable than I am.
Talking about this,
I kinda admire Alviss Kong.
What he had done might be wrong in your eyes
and he shouldn't have given up,
But maybe we do not know his pain.
I used to wanna do what he did,
but I have to think of the consequences of my actions.
Since he has already gone,
let us all just stop thinking that he is stupid.
Take this as a lesson to us.
I didn't know him personally,
I just know that he is a friend of my cousin's worker.
We know that sufferings will not end even if we die,
but for now,
I just hope that he will be forgiven for not wanting to live.
I offer him my prayers.
This is the link to some of Alviss' personal blog post.
May you rest in peace

As for me,
I have really learned to not give up.
Though at times, some things will come knocking in my mind.
You guys gotta pray that I don't die outta boredom over here.
I'm gonna go.
Take care aites.
*My love is like a one-way street*

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