Monday, December 6, 2010

Hello peeps!
Hello Zed,hello Charmaine,hello Rups!
Zed and I didn't have exam today so we went to school just to give them support for chemistry.
There were many people in the bus and I didn't manage to sit with Zed because she came from Batu Ferringhi 
and the bus was packed!
We communicated through sms-es and Zed asked me to go up than to stand where I stood.
The moment I stand by Zed's seat one of the bus' tyre punctured!
We started laughing because it sounded like I caused it.
Got to school and hung around for a bit.
After they went for exam Zed and I sat in the 5Jaya classroom and vained with her laptop's webcam.
Until I was too hungry to even move, I dragged both of us down to the canteen.
That canteen guy left!
Zed played with her laptop and I ko-ed on the table.
When I opened my eyes I saw Chia Ying staring at me.
Ray and Charmaine has gone back.
Movie plan cancelled.
Zed and Ying walked me to Gurney and I met up with Grace.
I thought it was only us.
But I saw Arthur, Desmond,Sandra and another malay guy(crap I forgotten his name again).
Grace said that we are going to RedBox and so we did.
I was pissed because we ended up in a karaoke room with six guys(five malays and one chinese)
and there were only three of us girls.
Didn't sing much because I was uncomfortable.
I was horrified when Arthur left at 6smth.
Grace was busy shaking her ass and dancing until Sandra turned to me and say that her sis looks like a "chicken".
I thought so too.
After that went Clinic Cafe to eat.
Grace wanted to go on purpose because she knows that her ex is working there.
So she brought her new bf and us there.
We saw YH!
Used to call him monkey because he always teases me when I used to go to Max Gourmet every week.
But I don't hold grudges towards him because he once sang me a song saying I'm cute.
He should've known that it will make me perasan.
Here I am after dinner.
 Home sweet home.
So tired!
I'm afraid to fall asleep because last night I dreamed of a huge grasshopper in the bus and I have been awake since I had that dream which was at 3am.
Insects creeps!
Gambatte Rups!
Sleep well guys!

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