Friday, July 24, 2009

5 in the morning,and the alarm clock rings.I pressed the "snooze" button and sleep again.I was awaken by sis when she asked me what is the time and I said "5 o'clock" before both of us jumped outta bed.We are late and we're supposed to be in the airport by 5.55am.We got ready and went to the airport in two cars,sis and her friend in another and I'm with aunt in hers.The road seems dark,quiet and deserted.....Am I too oblivious of my surroundings or am I just drowned in my own feelings?I cant tell....

Sis has been here since the 20th of May.How upset I was coz I was not allowed to get her from the airport on the day she came back...coz tht time H1N1 damn popular ma...I was in school the next day when this junior calls my name loudly and said that someone's looking for me...I know it is her....I ran towards her and we gave each other a massive hug...But I didnt see her that often because at that time she was staying at another friend's house...Few weeks passed and we wanted to go to KL together..and so we did...great time we had there....3 main things we did,eat,gossip...and shes been staying with me since we got back from KL....we went to redbox twice and we really had a wonderful time singing the same song that whosoever is singing next door because they sing damn loud and teruk and we just wanna prove ourselves better.. Sis goes out everyday...I seldom see her when I get back from school...but somehow,just knowing that shes here makes me feel better even if we dont spend much time together (bed time not counted!)

And as the car moves,tears formed in my eyes.Looking back at all the mischievious things that we've done and all the things we can do in so lil time...When will I see her again?I think about the way I've been behaving since she came back...I was mean...real mean...many times I prefer to just shut up than talking to her....because I feel like she didnt come back for us...she didnt come back for me....and I feel neglected...
The road ahead is really is covered by shadows of the trees...and the nearer we are to the airport,the more I wished that today never comes...but I know that I have to face the reality....

When we get to the airport theyre already there....We sat in McD and talked...through all the laughters all of us know that deep inside we are all gonna burst in tears...Soon aunt gotta go to work so I asked sis's friend whether he can send me home coz I still wanna hang around with them and he said okay....Time flies and sis gotta go...I stand there staring at her,because if I talk I know that I'm gonna be too emotional...she hugged me but I didnt hug her...I just cant...she asked me not to I hold my tears back....Her friend and I stood there for a while after shes gone in...then we left....

Sis texted me in the car and I cant hold it any longer. I broke down.... She got into the plane and she called us and we talked for 15minutes and 36 seconds through the loudspeaker.....after that she hung up....when I got back I cried again...I looked into the room and at the bed...which used to be messed up with my sister's its so clean and empty....I'm all alone now...I'm kinda alone all this while,but now there's this empty feeling inside....I miss her and I love her....because she is my family..... ='(

here's a vid tht we took in kl

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