Monday, December 20, 2010

Hello peeps!
How is everyone doing?
I disappeared for four days already!
Did anyone miss me?
Well I've been in another relative's house in Serdang.
Couldn't speak English over there because they're all chinese educated.
So I've been speaking Mandarin and Cantonese(rojak) when I was there.
I suck.
Below was a video taken on the second day I was there.
Please ignore my (according to my niece) *zou yin* language.
That lil boy is being taken care of by my aunt.
Three-year old Guo Hao
On Saturday we went to my cousin sister's house in Setapak because they were having a party for both her daughters who has birthdays in December.
Three- year old Xin Ying,my baby niece
Those "lou yan kar" were playing mahjong while my 15-year old niece Karmen and I were busy helping out in the kitchen and also babysitting.
Once Guo Hao held Xin Ying's face and kissed her!

Went back to Serdang at about 11pm.
The car broke down the moment we reached the front gate.
Thank God it didn't happen on the highway,
I would've freaked out.
On Sunday my bro came with the car and we all went to Ampang for a haircut.
After my bro and I got our hair done we went to the KTM station with Karmen.
Bro was gonna meet his chick in Mid Valley while Karmen and I was gonna go to Times Square.
The hairstylist is a friend of my aunt and she straightened my hair temporarily.
*it just died*
this was how I looked like on Sunday.
So we went shopping and all.
Supposed to come back to Subang on Sunday but aunt decided to stay till today.
So we went to the Jusco nearby and hung around separately.
Both aunts and Guo Hao.
Karmen and I.
While having dinner at the food court I happen to see a guy who looked very "familiar"..
He was wearing popular shirt so my niece and I went to popular after food.
We were looking around and we found that person.
Even from the side.
He looked at us and Karmen burst into laughter.
I tahan till he looked away and I burst out laughing too.
So NOT alike!
Went home after that.
We reached Subang at 2pm today.
Went to Maxis Academic Plaza with cousin to get her iPhone.
Came back.
I needed to blog so here I am.
Gonna hang out  with Gaya again tomorrow!
Destination: Summit,The Curve,and 1Utama.
I have learned to see the good in the bad.
*I will not give up as long as there is a glimmer of hope*
Have fun guys!

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