Thursday, October 21, 2010

Been watching 1リットルの涙( One Litre Of Tears)for the past few days...
My emotions goes up and down..
Came to think of it,how are your attitudes towards a person with a certain sickness?
Will you see them differently?
Will you take them as a burden?
Will you be ashamed of them?

If "yes" were your answers for those questions,
you need to change!
No matter what sickness they have and how sick they are,
they too, have the right to live!
They might greet you with a smile,
but how many of you actually know that they're dying inside?
Their guardians might have sacrificed alot..
but the patient them self don't sacrifice less...
They need to be spiritually strong.
And moral support from people around them is very important!
Please do not take them as a burden...
Keep in mind that they don't have a choice. 
Don't be ashamed of them.
Put yourself in their shoes.
What if you were sick and the people that you loved think of you as a burden
and they're ashamed of you?
That would hurt so bad.
Many times I tried to tell them something...
but no one would listen...
So I ended up with everything kept within me.
Stop being self-centered.
You'll make me sick of you.
Don't expect me to understand you if you cannot understand me.
On the way home from school dad asked me whether I dare to go there alone.
With confidence I said yes.
Although I will not be going forever,
a part of me feels sad.
But the other part of me is looking forward to be set free
from this shelter,this discouraging place. 
It seems that my aunt is the only person who doesn't understand that being sick was not my choice..

*maybe I should not watch too many sad dramas*

Okay here's the gift for today.

The Gift of Believing in Your Abilities.

If we can put a man on the moon,
you can see your way through
to where you want to be.
There is a way.
There is always a way.
-Alin Austin

Have the daring to accept yourself as a
bundle of possibilities, and undertake
the game of making the most of your best.
-Harry Emerson Fosdick

No one knows what he can do until he tries.
-Publilius Syrus

If we did all the things we are capable of doing,
we would literally astound ourselves.
-Thomas A. Edison

You know, I started wishing that a good guy like Haruto in One Litre Of Tears would exist in this world.
Its not about his appearance,its about his sincerity.
Maybe I cried a few hundred litres of tears seeing him being so good to Aya all the time she was sick until she passed away.

Well,I guess that's about all for now...
Remember,you gotta have the courage to change...
Thank you for reading..

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